The videoclip want to transmit how love can lobotomize us. How love can make us blind, crazy and perverse to do whatever we want with another person. From the phrase «This love is enough to turn you mad and make you ill» we built the identity of our protagonist: someone to whom love made her insane and capable of everything. That is why we recreate this in a scene os manipulation, sufficiently delirious as it could be to perform a lobotomy to be loved.
Proposal for a video clip for the Master’s Degree in Audiovisual Design and Creativity at ELISAVA.
Concept: Lovetomize.
Script: Josefina de Elía
Tipography Design: Giusy de Vito
Production: Victor Santiago, Josefina de Elía, Giusy de Vito
Art Direction: Victor Santiago, Josefina de Elía, Giusy de Vito
Directed by: Victor Santiago, Josefina de Elía, Giusy de Vito
Edition: Victor Santiago
Camera: Victor Santiago
Actors: Michael Won & Josefine Reich
BSO: «Scene» – Me and the Bees
Art Direction
Cerebro arcilla
Donut Pastillas Calcetines frutales
Rodaje 1
Rodaje 2 Rodaje 3 Rodaje 4